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Department of Business and Economics

Recognition of study achievements

We are pleased that you would like to gain new knowledge and experience during a semester abroad and hope to be able to support you.

Comprehensive information on the recognition of study achievements can be found on the faculty pages.

Please make sure that you contact our chair in a timely manner regarding the recognition of credits earned abroad. At the latest in the semester before your stay abroad, clarify which achievements can be recognized and to what extent.

Please contact our secretary's office by e-mail, briefly describe your request and send us the completed "Form for the Recognition Agreement" (see point 4) to check the creditability of achievements made abroad. In addition to the form, we also need a course description (official document) of the corresponding course abroad with a reference to the source. It is insufficient to send us a link. We need a PDF file with the concrete description (e.g. corresponding excerpt from the syllabus/module handbook). Recognition can be granted if the course to be recognized corresponds in type, content and scope to the course offered by our professorship. This means that the submitted documents must clearly indicate the equivalence of the content and scope of the course to be recognized.

After all documents have been submitted (form, course content, semester hours, type of examination taken, ECTS), the possibility of recognition will be examined. As soon as the examination is completed, you will receive a notification by e-mail.

If the possibility of recognition is granted by us, then a determination will be made about the actual recognition after the stay abroad. Therefore, please submit the corresponding certificate of achievement, which clearly shows the ECTS and a grade of your performance, as well as a proof confirmed by the lecturer by signature and stamp, which proves that the contents specified in the submitted module description were taught and examined, to the secretary's office of our professorship.