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Department of Business and Economics

Theses Application

We appreciate your interest in writing a thesis at the professorship of Production Management and Logistics. The thesis is a scientific paper, which we are happy to supervise.


A necessary requirement for the assignment of a thesis (both bachelor and master theses) is the successful participation in the course "Scientific Work" offered by the chair of Production and Logistics. This regulation applies to students in the Bachelor and Master programs in Economics as well as to students in the Bachelor and Master programs in Industrial Engineering and Business Mathematics.

The core of the course "Scientific Work" is the explanation of how to prepare and write a scientific paper. During the course, practical help is given for all steps of the work - starting with the structuring of the topic, through literature research and evaluation, to the preparation of the manuscript and the presentation of scientific results.

The course is offered at the beginning of each winter or summer semester and should be attended before starting to write a thesis. Registration for the course is usually possible from the end of January (for the course in the summer semester) or from the end of July (for the course in the winter semester). The registration periods are announced on the homepage of our chair.


Applications for the subject areas

Please apply by e-mail to the indicated supervisor and submit the following documents:

  • Application form Bachelor- or Master-Thesis
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Overview of grades


Applications for an individual topic

Please apply by e-mail to Prof. Gössinger and submit the following documents:

  • Application form Bachelor- or Master-Thesis
  • Exposè
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Overview of grades


Please note to address the following contents when writing the Exposè:

  • Explanation of the problem
  • State of the research
  • Research gaps addressed in the work
  • research method
  • expected results
  • Literature relevant to the thesis
  • time schedule
  • Preliminary outline 

The application for a Bachelor-/Master-Thesis does not constitute a binding acceptance. You will receive feedback in a timely manner.

Application form Bachelor-Thesis

Application form Master-Thesis