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Department of Business and Economics

Teaching program

All courses offered by the professorship for Production Management and Logistic can be found in the tables below. More information on the individual events can be found in the respective semester. Some of them are offered every semester, some only in the winter or summer semester:


Course title Language Type Modul Credits Semester
Theorie der Produktionswirtschaft German L + E 3 5,5 Summer
Produktions- und Logistikmanagement German L + E 8a-e:
7,5 Summer
Supply Chain Management German L + E 8a-e:
7,5 Winter
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten German E 11 2,0 Winter/Summer
BWL-Seminar German S
(Seminar paper + Presentation)
11 5,0 Winter/Summer
Projektseminar German PS
(Seminar paper + Presentation)
11 5,0 Winter/Summer
Bachelor Theses German Written Theses + Presentation 12 15 Winter/Summer

L = Lecture / E = Exercise / T = Tutorial / S = Seminar / PS = Project seminar


Course title Language Type Modul Credits Semester
Production Planning and Control English L + E C: PL I 7,5 Winter
(Service operations management)
German L + E C: PL II 7,5 Summer
(Project management)
German L + E C: PL III 7,5 Winter
Simulation in Produktion und Logistik
(Simulation in production and logistics)
German E C: PL IV 7,5 Summer
Neuere Entwicklungen im Produktions-
und Logistikmanagement
(Recent developments in production
and logistics management)
German S
(Seminar paper
+ Presentation)
C:  PL V 7,5 Winter
Forschungsseminar zum Produktions-
und Logistikmanagement
(Recent developments in production
and logistics management)
German S
(Seminar paper
+ Presentation)
C:  PL VI 7,5 Summer
Master Theses German/
Written Theses
+ Presentation
13 30 Winter/

L = Lecture / E = Exercise / S = Seminar